Human Brain Function

Principles and methods: Linking brain and behaviour, C. Frith Analyzing brain images - principles and overview, K. Friston Registering brain images to anatomy, J. Ashbumer, K. Friston Characterizing brain images with the general linear model, A. Holmes et al Making statistical inferences, J. Poline et al Characterizing distributed functional systems, K. Friston Characterizing functional integration, C. Buechel, K. Friston A taxonomy of study design, K. Friston et al. Functional anatomy: Dynamism of a PET image - studies of visual function, S. Zeki Mapping somatosensory systems, E. Paulesu, R. Frackowiak Functional organization of the motor system, R. Passingham The cerebral basis of functional recovery, R. Frackowiak Functional anatomy of reading, C. Price Higher cognitive processes, C. Frith, R. Dolan Human memory systems, R. Dolan et al Measuring neuromodulation with functional imaging, R. Dolan et al Brain maps - linking the present with the future, J. Mazziotta et al Functional imaging with magnetic resonance, R. Turner et al.