User Location Recommendation Combined with MLWDF Packet Scheduling in LTE Downlink Communication

In wireless networks with multiple users, packet scheduling is widely used to provide Quality of Services (QoS) for real-time services. However, if radio resources are limited due to poor channel qualities, it is difficult to improve QoS by applying packet scheduling mechanisms solely. In this paper, we propose a user location recommendation scheme combined with the Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (MLWDF) packet scheduling scheme in the Long Term Evolution (LTE) downlink communication. We conduct simulation scenarios using LTE-Sim [9] which has been conceived as a comprehensive system-level simulator for fully implementing the protocol layers of LTE and providing a complete performance verification. The simulation results illustrate that, in comparison with other existing packet scheduling approaches, the proposed scheme effectively improves QoS including throughput, packet delay, and packet loss rate for video streaming services in LTE downlink communications.