Desgaste de dressadores de ponta única fabricados com diamantes cvd nacionais (Single point wear dressers manufactured with national cvd diamonds)

This study attempted to observe the performance of three types of diamonds, two natural and one synthetic, to determine which features longer life and greater wear than the others. The methodology employed in this study was to dressed an aluminum oxide grinding wheel, and every twenty paces with a advance of depth dressing of 40 μm per passes, take an image of the tip in a horizontal position and the other in the vertical position of this diamond in a stereoscopic. Thereafter, the dresser was replaced in the rectifi er to conduct a new dressing. The criteria to completion of the test was the spark generated by the grinding wheel contact with the base of the dresser, which indicates the end of the contact with the diamond wheel. After the tests, was calculated the areas worn of each diamond in accordance with each image obtained through the aid of a graphics software. The data were then arranged in graphs.