Low Complexity Frequency Offset Estimation Using Partial Correlation

ABSTRACT In wireless communication systems, a frequency offset exist at the received signal due to the transmitter-receiver oscillator mismatch and Doppler effect in mobile environments. Those offsets rotate the received signal’s phase and degrade the receiver performance. Hence, estimation and compensation of the frequency offset is crucial at the receiver. This paper proposes a new frequency offset estimation technique based on partial correlation. The proposed method requires less computational complexity than that of the conventional method. In addition, since the proposed one can estimate a wide range of frequency offset without estimation accuracy loss, the application of the method is desirable for the communication environments that have a large frequency offset. In order to verify the performance of our proposed scheme, a series of computer simulations have been carried out and compared against those of the conventional method. 키워드 : 부분 상관, 주파수 오차, 도플러 효과, 주파수 추정 Key word : Partial Correlation, Frequency Offset, Doppler effect, Frequency EstimationJournal of the Korea Institute of Information andCommunication Engineering