Validation of a New Method for the Detection of Pathlines in Vascular X-ray Images

This article presents the validation of a new pathline approach, based on the wavefront propagation principle, on a large variety of vascular images. The purpose of the novel approach, called wavepath, was to minimize the variability of the measurements in the quantitative vascular analysis by reducing the variability that is introduced by manually placing the start and end points of the vessel segment. This results in a robust and reproducible pathline detection that is subsequently used in the analysis and lesion quantification. The validation study that was performed concerned a large variety of vessel segments and showed that the approach results in a pathline that is totally constant in its middle part. This holds not only for the straight segment version but also for the bifurcation version and ostial version of the algorithm. Moreover, the average number of additional points per pathline needed to guide the wavepath through the correct vessel is minimized to 0 for the straight segments, 0.06 for aortic bifurcations, 0.25 for carotid bifurcations, and 0.08 for the ostial segments. In conclusion, our new approach performs very well in all types of vascular x-ray images, resulting in a stable and robust pathline detection.