Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been utilized by many critical applications such as military and health care monitoring. Such applications require special Quality of Service (QoS) treatment. However, the components of sensor nodes suffer from different limitations including the scarce energy source, limited processing capabilities, and limited storage space. At the same time, nodes are supposed to live for long time. This could occur when the energy is balanced on the active nodes in the network. This paper handles the problem of QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The paper considers the limitation of the nodes in handling many messages at the same time especially the sink node. Therefore, nodes can coordinate with each other to minimize the number of dropped message. Defining some nodes to send to the sink node at certain time allows other nodes to go to sleep. Certainly, this QoS control enhances the operation of the network and positively affect the nodes’ consumed energy. This work applies one of the game theory schemes which is Gur game. The paper proposes two QoS control techniques with Quick Convergence called Periodic Gur Game (PGur) and Adaptive Periodic Gur Game (APGur). These two approaches are evaluated using different sets of experiments.
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