Work in Progress - 15/85 & Toolkit Concepts: Ethics Across the Curriculum at UPRM

A series of workshops to introduce faculty to EAC (ethics across the curriculum) have been carried out at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. These workshops constitute the first stage of a comprehensive strategy, the 15/85 EAC model program. The past two years have provided time to examine the challenges facing the implementation of 15/85. The principle challenges arise from the need to build and sustain a core EAC community. In response, a virtual workshop format has been developed that links real world workshops and activities. The ethics toolkit concept delivers this virtual workshop by providing an online environment that will use the networking and open sourcing capabilities of the Internet to generate, improve, and disseminate EAC best practices, including cases, modules, and instructor support materials. This paper will summarize 15/85, report on its challenges, and outline a novel approach to dealing with these challenges, the online ethics toolkit concept