PMD: A Parallel Fortran 90 Module to Solve Elliptic Linear Second Order Equations

PMD (Parallel Multi-Domain decomposition) is a set of Fortran 90 modules which implements a parallel none-overlapping domain decomposition method based on the so called dual- Schur complement. The Schur matrix is built using an inuenc e matrix technique. In this paper, we will briey describe the implementation. A case study will then be presented and performance results will be shown on three parallel machines: IBM SP2, SGI/CRAY T3E-600 and Fujitsu VPP300. At the end, the public location of PMD will be given together with the installation procedure. MOTS-CL ES : performance, parall ele, elliptique, lin eaire, second ordre, d ecomposition de domaine, compl ement de Schur, matrice d'inuenc e, PMD, SP2, T3E, VPP300, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, MPI