Occurrence and cross-reactivity of heterophile antibodies and anti-kidney antibodies in kidney transplanted patients and patients with renal disease.
Increased titres of heterophile antibodies to rat erythrocytes occurred in twelve of twenty-seven patients after renal transplantation. In seven of these twelve patients the titre rise appeared to be associated with rejection. Heterophile antibody formation showed no consistent kinetic pattern after transplantation and no definite relationship between rise in antibody titre and rejection can be claimed. Patients with very high heterophile antibody titres were however prone to rejection.
Heterophile antibodies to rat erythrocytes cross-reacted with human and monkey kidney cells and a subpopulation of these antibodies also with human B erythrocytes. The antibodies were not of the Forssman or Paul-Bunnel-type and their appearance could not be related to ABO or HL-A incompatibility. The heterophile antibodies, primarily of IgM class, are suggested to be produced in response to B-substance related antigens in Gram-negative bacteria and non-HL-A isoantigens.
Approximately 35% of transplantation sera or sera from patients with kidney disease had IgG antibodies reacting with human and monkey kidney cells, human thyroid cells and A and B erythrocytes. Anti-kidney IgG antibodies in certain sera cross-reacted with rat erythrocytes. One-third of the patients with renal disorders had increased heterophile antibody titres.