A Cognitive Model of Human-Computer Interaction in Naval Air ASW Mission Management

Abstract : Few, if any, techniques exist for cognitive modeling of human-computer interaction (HCI) in real-time multi-tasking (RTMT) problem domains, despite the fact that this class of problems includes many of the most critical and challenging person-machine systems. A new modeling formalism for representing HCI in RTMT domains is developed and applied to a realistic domain from Naval aviation, Airborne Antisubmarine Warfare (Air ASW) mission management. The formalism is called the Cognitive Network of Tasks or CCGNET model with the blackboard architecture. The COGNET technique is used to model HCI in the example domain (Air ASW), resulting in a detailed and computable model of the strategies used by the human decision-makers. The model is built from data collected from expert human operators in a realistic experimental environment, described in a previous report.