The Chile Miner Rescue: A Human-centred Design Reflection

ABSTRACT In this paper, I discuss key principles and practices of humancentred design in the unusual context of the successful rescue of 33 Chilean miners in 2010. The paper begins with a review of elements and characteristics associated with human-centred design in contemporary design theory and literature. From this reflection, questions arise about the role and place of human-centred design in ‘non-design’ social contexts, dominated by technicians and engineers. Can the Chile Miner Rescue serve as an example for the value and relevance of a human-centred design approach in these domains? The paper draws on publicly available materials, published interviews and background stories to identify a range of humancentered design practices and principles which guided this rescue operation. The aim of this paper is to stimulate thoughts, discussions and research into these questions while looking into a situation in which design approaches and design problems reach beyond the familiar products and services. The deliberate focus on a current event is meant as an invitation and challenge to apply design theoretical concepts and methods to social and organizational questions. With this in mind, the Chile Miner Rescue offers an opportunity for testing the boundaries, relevance and validities of some of our design concepts.