CardNutri: Um software de planejamento de cardápios nutricionais semanais para alimentação escolar aplicando inteligência artificial

The aim of this paper is to present and evaluate a software that uses Artificial Intelligence techniques to design, automatically and quickly, weekly nutritional menus for School Feeding, meeting the daily nutritional needs of students and simultaneously minimizing the total cost of the menu. These menus meet the nutritional references the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) according to age, variety, the harmony of preparations and a maximum amount to be paid per meal. The response time for this preparation does not exceed five minutes. However, the nutritionist must choose the menu that suits you best, because the tool provides a set of efficient menus. Thus, the system contributes to the development of nutritious and cheap menus, in addition to facilitating nutritionist work spends much time for this task, since it needs to perform other duties of responsibility