Testing friction and wear of the tribosystem piston ring and cylinder liner outside of engines
An OEM-driven working group started in January 2004 to elaborate the philosophies, concepts and test procedures for testing piston ring and cylinder liner materials as well as engine oils outside of engines using the SRV (abbreviation for German: ‘Schwingung, Reibung, Verschleis’; in English: ‘Oscillation, Friction, Wear’) test equipment. The different SRV test philosophies in use by OEMs are compiled. The working group focuses on (i) ASTM fuel economy sequence by ageing oils; (ii) friction and wear in the top-dead-centre region under mixed/boundary lubrication; (iii) extreme pressure load under mixed/boundary lubrication; and (iv) hydrodynamic friction. Tribological test results and precision data are presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.