Study on Optimizing the Location of Multi-point Chlorination in Water Supply Network Systerm
Multi-piont chlorination is a guarantee of water qulity in water distribution system.Recently,optimizing the chlorine's adding position and doses at each adding piont are integrated into one optimal equation,it limits the practicability of water pipe network's running and adjusting.Authors aimd to divide the two process above,based on the knowledge of graphic theory related,through analyse the graphic structure and hydrodynamic trait of the water supply network systerm,found the effect matrix of chlorine adding point and analysing the coincidence degree of chlorione action area,try to find a way to optimize the location of multi-piont chlorination un-related the quantity of chlorination in water supply network systerm,give a beneficial exploration in further study on quantifying the mass of chlorated,also in running the water pipe system as can enhance the maneuverability of multi-piont chlorination.