Message from the ADMNET 2015 Workshop Organizers

The ADMNET workshop series is focusing on the discussion of the advance of the state-of-the-art, research and development in the area of architecture, design, deployment and management of networks and Internet-based applications. This workshop is also a forum for designers, developers and administrators of the networks and applications. ADMNET covers a wide field of topics such as Network Architecture and Design, QoS, Scalability Solutions, Fairness, Optimality, and other aspects of Network Resource Sharing, Network Deployment, Management and Operation, Network Security, Network Applications and their Operation, Meta-Heuristics and Soft Computing Approaches for Networking Technologies, Network Metrics, Network Growth and Percolation Models, Modeling of Users and Network-Based Services, Digital Convergence, ITIL, User Policy and Service Level Agreements, Computer Ethics and Education.