Abstract In this paper, the CAD data for the optimal shape design obtained by isogeometric shape optimization is directly used to fabricate the specimen by using 3D printer for the experimental validation. In a conventional finite element method, the geometric approximation inherent in the mesh leads to the accuracy issue in response analysis and design sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, in the finite element based shape optimization, subsequent communication with CAD description is required in the design optimization process, which results in the loss of optimal design information during the communication. Isogeometric analysis method employs the same NURBS basis functions and control points used in CAD systems, which enables to use exact geometrical properties like normal vector and curvature information in the response analysis and design sensitivity analysis procedure. Also, it vastly simplify the design modification of complex geometries without communicating with the CAD description of geometry during design optimization process. Therefore, the information of optimal design and material volume is exactly reflected to fabricate the specimen for experimental validation. Through the design optimization examples of elasticity problem, it is experimentally shown that the optimal design has higher stiffness than the initial design. Also, the experimental results match very well with the numerical results. Using a non-contact optical 3D deformation measuring system for strain distribution, it is shown that the stress concentration is significantly alleviated in the optimal design compared with the initial design.
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