ENTCAF and ENTCRE: Evaluation of Normalized Taylor Coefficients of an Analytic Function [C5] (Algorithm 413)

Editor's note: The algorithm described here is available on magnetic tape. The text plus the listing o f the algorithm will be printed in the Collected Algorithms from CACM. The charge for the taped algorithm is $16.00 (U.S. and Canada) or $18.00 (elsewhere). I f the user sends us a small tape (wt. less than 1 lb.) we will copy the algorithm on it and return it to him at a charge o f $10.00 (U.S. only). All orders are to be prepaid with checks payable to " A C M Algorithms." The algorithm is recorded as one file o f BCD 80-character card images at 556 B.P.I. , even parity, on seven-track tape. I f requested, the algorithm is supplied at a density o f 800 B.P.1. The cards for the algorithm are sequenced starting at 10 and incremented by 10, The sequence number is right-justified in column 80. Although every attempt is made to insure that the algorithm conforms to the printed description, no guarantee is made, nor is there a guarantee that the algorithm is correct. -~ .D.F.