Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of barriers hindering the growth of MSMEs

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy over the last few decades. In order to survive in present scenario, an organisational setup of MSMEs should develop core competencies by overcoming the barriers, which will give them a competitive advantage over their competitors. To this effect, the authors in present study aim to identify and investigate the main barriers. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches are used to investigate the relationship between barriers and various performance measures. Based upon extant review of literature and further interviews with company personnel the seven key variables which hinder the MSMEs performance were identified. Further, a conceptual framework to test various research hypotheses which links the barriers with performance was formulated. The findings from the study revealed that some of the barriers were found to be strongly correlated with performance indicators.