India's Approach in Constructing One-Stop Solution Towards e-Government

The spinning of time the wheel has seen a lot; but the best gift of mankind to mankind is the discovery of Information and Communication Technologies, the tool that gave birth to the big bang theory of electronic-Governance in the universe of countries and nations. The explosive ingress of technology into every facet of life has changed how people exist, how they work, how companies do business and how governments serve their communities. e-Governance has given new dimensions to the system of governing nations and enhancing citizen services by making the process of governance and public administration much more efficient and effective. e-Government reveals the ultimate visions for public administrations and governments to undergo a huge modernization and reorganization. E-governance has played an essential role in improving governmental processes (e-administration), connecting citizens (e-citizens and e-services) and building external interactions (e-society). With the inclusion of e-governance in governing process came the concept of Single Entry National Portal i.e. One Stop Government which efficiently integrates public services from a citizen's point of view. Such Portals help the citizens and other stakeholders to have a 24 × 7 × 365 access to public service authorities and the services being provided by them at a single point. The various Government Departments at Central, State and Local level collect, use and manage large volumes of information/services and to ensure effective access to government policymaking and operations as well as to ensure government accountability, the public needs consistent, predictable access to government information. One Stop Government Portals step in here and provide full entree to its citizens making their lives easy and smooth. This paper discourses the significance of One Stop Government accentuating, The National Portal of India. The National Portal of India is a huge and comprehensive repository of information and data regarding the citizen services available in India., is a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), of the country implemented with an objective to provide a single window access to the information and services of the Indian Government at all levels, from Central to the State Government, from the District Administration and to the village Panchayats, all for the citizens and other stakeholders. The National Portal, acts as a front end to various e-Government initiatives and a gateway to over 6000 websites providing a variety of information and services being provided by different Indian government departments at multiple levels. It is a reservoir of resources and provides in-depth information about the India and its various aspects. plies valuable information to a wide variety of target audience encompassing the citizens, government, business strata and overseas Indians. The National Portal of India is one stop portal for all those who need information on anything related to India, from paying utility bills to accessing information on welfare schemes in different economic sectors, from obtaining licenses/certificates to apply for Indian passport has it all!