A Summary of Flightdeck Observer Data From SafeFlight 21 OpEval-2
In 2000, the Cargo Airlines Association and the Federal Aviation Administration conducted Operational Evaluation 2 (OpEval-2) of Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technologies. This evaluation was designed to demonstrate the benefits of CDTI/ADS-B, including safety, efficiency, and capacity. Toward this end, five flight periods were designed to test five different applications: airport surface situation awareness (ASSA); departure spacing; initial and final approach spacing; final approach spacing; final approach runway occupancy awareness (FAROA), and visual acquisition and traffic awareness. OpEval-2 included 16 aircraft of various types and their flight crews. Flightdeck observers accompanied the flight crews to record human factors data. This report summarizes the collection and analysis of flightdeck observer data. In addition, the report includes empirically based recommendations for addressing human factors issues related to certification of CDTI for the five applications that were tested in OpEval-2.