Formation of Lambda Lambda hypernuclei by Xi - capture in light nuclei.

We discuss the production of doubly strange {Lambda}{Lambda} hypernuclei in {Xi}{sup {minus}} atomic capture. The two-body {Xi}{sup {minus}}+{sup 6}Li{r arrow}{sub {Lambda}{Lambda}}{sup 6}He+{ital n} reaction is a relatively favorable case, with a yield of order 3%. For heavier {ital p}-shell targets, such as {sup 14}N, the (1{ital s}{sub {Lambda}}){sup 2} ground-state yields in the {Xi}{sup {minus}}+{sup {ital A}Z}{r arrow}{sub {Lambda}{Lambda}}{sup {ital A}}({ital Z}{minus}1)+{ital n} reaction are suppressed, and states of (1{ital s}{sub {Lambda}}1{ital p}{sub {Lambda}}) structure, coupled to an excited nuclear core, are preferentially populated.