Exciting Times in Computational Science

[ This new issue of the Journal of Computational Science completes ur second year of publication. We have built on the success of ur first year to deliver four high quality issues detailing the latest evelopments in computational science. Two of these have been heme issues, covering Simulation Software for Supercomputers [1] nd Social Computational Systems [2]. Look out for more exciting heme issues in the near future. There are many people who have made the success of our new ournal possible. The editorial board would like to take this opporunity to thank all of the authors who have submitted such original nd exciting work, and also the reviewers who help ensure that he papers published are of such high quality. Of course we must lso thank the editorial and production staff at Elsevier who make ublication of this journal possible. 2011 has been a great year for computational science, with the ider deployment of petascale machines and the development of odes that take advantage of them. The EU’s PRACE infrastructure as been joined in the US by XSEDE, which builds on the TeraGrid to rovide an infrastructure that integrates supercomputers and data ollections, and makes them easier to use. In keeping with our objectives for JoCS, this issue covers a road range of computational science [1–9]. The featured papers nclude discussions of novel topics such as stochastic simulations f intra-cellular transport, new approaches to coupled systems in omputational fluid dynamics, the emergence of geographical paters of electoral preferences and the optimisation of climate model arameters. Our success is built on the willingness of leading scientists to ublish their work with us. To maintain our success into 2012, we ould like to encourage you to submit your papers for considertion whichever field of computational science you are working n, either for inclusion in the main journal, or one of its theme ssues.