Distributed design of an information system consists in designing separately different parts of the system and in integrating the resulting models into a single one. To achieve the integration, similarities and conflicts between models are to be detected and resolved. This requires a precise representation of models which we cannot obtain unless we use a formal specification language. We propose to specify the conceptual representations in Object-Z and to determine semantic correspondences between model elements by considering three criteria: linguistic criterion attached to element names, structural criterion attached to object structure and dynamic criterion attached to object behavior. From time criteria, we formulate a set of integration rules which lead to fuse the models into a global one.
Faïez Gargouri,et al.
Towards a Cooperative Information System Modeling Method Based on Integration of Conceptual Representations
FLAIRS Conference.
James A. Larson,et al.
A Theory of Attribute Equivalence in Databases with Application to Schema Integration
IEEE Trans. Software Eng..
Diego Calvanese,et al.
A Principled Approach to Data Integration and Reconciliation in Data Warehousing
Faiez Gargouri,et al.
An integrated modelling approach for complex applications and distributed information systems
C. Parent,et al.
Intégration de bases de données : panorama des problèmes et des approches