Some preliminary data on two small mammal bearing paleosols from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic sides of Italy

Two Middle Pleistocene paleosols from the Tyrrhenian (Campani quarry, Pisa, Lower Valdarno) and Adriatic (Catignano, Pescara) sides of Italy, both covered by tephra layers, were studied for their paleontological content (molluscs and small mammals). At Campani quarry the volcanic ash level was dated by fission tracks both on glass (0.59+0.08 Ma; 0.62+0.07 Ma) and on the apatites (0.46+0.05 Ma). Stratigraphic evidences suggest a Middle Pleistocene age for Catignano paleosol. However, age determination on the apatites belonging to the Catignano volcanic level is currently under way. The Campani quarry paleosol yielded a rich assemblage of land molluscs characterised by high species diversity indicating that a wooded environment developed in conditions of mild climate. The small mammal assemblage is dominated by murids, confirming the presence of a developed wood cover. Catignano paleosol shows a lower number for species of both small mammals and molluscs, the latter dominated by open ground and steppe taxa. A comparison between these two Middle Pleistocene levels shows that molluscs and small mammals data agree suggesting that different environmental conditions prevailed when the two paleosols developed.