Protecting children from abuse and neglect in primary care

1. Overview of child abuse & neglect 2. The child protection process 3. Child abuse and primary care 4. Child protection in a multi-cultural society 5. The training needs of primary health care teams in child protection 6. Physical abuse 7. Neglect and its impact on child welfare 8. Emotional abuse 9. Child sexual abuse 10. Forgotten patients - adults abused as children 11. Domestic violence and child protection: Issues for the primary care team 12. Legal aspects of child abuse 13. Roles and responsibilities 14. Ethics and the child protection process 15. The child protection case conference 16. Working together as a team to protect children 17. The health needs of looked after children and the role of the primary care team 18. Child protection and the primary care organizations (PCOs) 19. The child protection process: an international perspective 20. Prevention: current and future trends