Study on the Manufacturing Technology of Mural Tomb in Goa-dong of Daegaya Period
Rigorous analysis was performed to identify the structure and materials of the murals to study techniques used on mural tombs of ancient Daegaya era(6th century). The murals were painted by applying mortar on the walls and the ceiling after building a stone chamber and creating ground layers on mortar layers. Mud was applied on most of the mortar layers on four sides of the walls except the ceiling. Sand was not used in mortar but was made of materials with pure calcium substances. In addition, shells in irregular sizes with incomplete calcination were mixed; and the mortar's white powder was inferred as lime obtained by calcination of oyster shells. Kaolinite(Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4 ) was used in the ground layer, Cinnabar(HgS) was used for red pigment, Malachite(Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2 ) for green and Lead white(PbCO behind compared to that of Koguryo's in the same era.
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