Avaliação da submedição de água em edificações residenciais unifamiliares: o caso das unidades de interesse social

Campinas – SP - Brasil It is estimated that 8% to 23% of the total potable water in Brazil is lost due to undermeasurement. In indirect supply systems, low flows are common, as reservoirs are usually controlled by conventional ball cock faucets. This paper describes a case study case developed in 22 low-income houses located in Campinas, Sao Paulo. The aim was to determine losses caused by undermeasurement, identify their causes, and formulate actions to reduce this problem. The study was divided in two parts: a field survey and a laboratory investigation. In the laboratory, the performances of a conventional and an ultra high flow ball cock faucets under the same supply conditions were compared. The study allowed to determine the water volume not measured by the watermeter, and increase the knowledge about the water flow behaviour in the water supply sector investigated, A water consumption index of the studied households was determined, and and assessment of the measurement accuracy of water meters installed in that region, identifying undermeasurement losses, and the behavior of flow ball cocks.