Project management and military operations modeling

Using the scientific defining criteria, operatic could be defined as one of the orthodox sciences of defense, which deals with the military combat (non-combat) operations on one hand, and the practice of preparing and conducting operations (military doctrinal approach)on the other. Experience points to the other practical models of solving operational tasks - operations. In the military when the problem in the operation should be solved and its course directed widely accepted concepts of management have been applied and in different operations different management concepts are used. Management functions-prediction, organization, command, coordination and control are commonly used in conventional military operations. In the modern operations neoclassical and modern management approaches are better suited (e.g., systemic, situational approach ...), that realize the importance of studying the interconnectedness of planning, organizing, leading and control. In the postmodern operations the following project management functions are being increasingly used: setting goals, planning, organization, conducting and control. This approach is based on the fact that in dealing with contemporary issues of security and defense by military actions and operations, each operation ‘is tailored by its measures’, i.e. its organization is re-designed (shaped) and its resolution system created and which requires very specific skills and competencies of the management and organization as a whole. Accordingly, the modern approach of solving operational problems and tasks in operations integrates concepts, principles, techniques, and knowledge from other scientific areas and management approaches, such as project management. As military operation in the contemporary conditions is always out of routine undertaking, a new project, and it is performed under conditions of limited resources, operatic needs to use an eclectic knowledge of management science and, hence, project management, in order to optimize the planning and management of military operations. In this way, effective and efficient implementation of specific activities is ensured in progress, or in some phases of the operation in accordance with the Doctrine of operations of Serbian Armed Forces.