Mobile Portals as Innovations

The purpose of this chapter is to analyze mobile portals (mportals) as an innovation. M-portals are wireless Web pages that help portable device users interact with mobile content and services (based on the definition by Clarke & Flaherty, 2003). Previous works in the area of mobile portals mostly concentrated on their technical aspects, implementation issues, classifications, and user acceptance (e.g., Gohring, 1999; GSA, 2002; Koivumaki, 2002). At the same time, these studies did not view mobile portals as innovations themselves, nor discussed the innovative potential of this novel technology. Analyzing technological artifacts as innovations is important for two reasons. First, such analysis can help m-portal developers and providers pinpoint the salient m-portal characteristics that drive service diffusion. Second, it can assist potential m-portal developers and providers understand the risks associated with entering this segment of wireless services. This study attempts to contribute to the knowledge base by discussing various dimensions of the innovativeness of mobile portals and predicting the commercial success as well as potential risks of designing m-portals. Specifically, this investigation utilizes two innovation-based models as a lens of analysis. The first is the Moore and Benbasat’s (1991) list of perceived characteristics of innovating (PCI), which is adapted to assess the innovation features of mobile portals. The second is the Kleinschmidt and Cooper’s (1991) market and technological newness map. By applying these frameworks, the study attempts to develop a better understanding of individual innovation characteristics and the innovation typology of mobile portals that is important for both theory and practice. Mobile portals are a fruitful area of growth and interest. Even though the technology has been in use for only several years, both researchers and practitioners have devoted substantial efforts to design m-portals that would meet end-user requirements. To ensure the success of this technology, it is important to further understand its innovative potential. However, little work has been done in this area. A discussion grounded on the existing innovation schools of thought would help to bridge that gap. M-Portals as InnovatIons