The Interaction of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Groundwood Pulp

In search for new methods to prevent light-induced colour reversion the interaction of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) with groundwood pulp (PGW) has been investigated.The PVP-treated PGWwas fractionated by isolation of MWL and after that by dissolving the residue in alkali and precipitation by acidification. The PVP content of the fractions was followed by nitrogen determination and FTIR spectroscopy. The results indicate that the highest PVP content occurs in an alkali-soluble fraction, obtained after removal of MWL. PVP seems to act as an adsorbent for phenolic and/or alcoholic hydroxyl groups, especially in an alkalisoluble fraction of PGW containing 40% lignin, 45% polysaccharides and 15% PVP. The milled wood lignin contained only 4% of PVP.