합동작전 지휘통제 효과도 모의분석을 위한 평가기준 연구

Concerning the effectiveness of command and control is increasing worldwide as future warfare is changing into Network Centric Warfare (NCW). Unlike the old attrition warfare that depends mainly on mobility and strike assets, the modem warfare is based on information and network which regards acquisition and circulation of information as important. Therefore, there’s no room for rediscussion that C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) system will play an important role in warfare. In spite of this fact, there isn’t any way to explain clearly how to measure the effectiveness of command and control system in a battle and to reflect it systematically in a system effectiveness. In this study, we examined NCO-CF (Network Centric Operations-Conceptual Framework), developed by the Department of Defense (DOD), which can conceptually explain the increment of effectiveness of C4ISR system that is the basis of NCO. And we suggested methodology based on NCO-CF to establish the evaluation criteria for M&S analysis of command and control effectiveness. As a case study we derived the evaluation criteria for the command and control system in joint operations by applying the suggested methodology.