Multiband Sierpinski fractal antenna

A fractal monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket is studied in this paper. The monopole antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket constructed through three iterations displays a multiband behaviour with three bands that are log-periodically spaced by a factor of 2, the same scale factor that defines the geometrical self-similarity of the Sierpinski fractal. The simulated as well as measured input return loss and radiation patterns all display multi-band behaviour. The geometrical scale factor of the Sierpinski fractal is then changed to see whether the bands are shifted according to the new scale factor or not. The simulated results showed that the band positions could be controlled by changing the scale factor but on account of poor input matching. This poor input matching of Sierpinski fractal monopole antenna with modified scale factor is rectified using microstrip feed technique. The simulated as well as measured results of the antenna are in good agreement.