Cornell University established a Mathematical Sciences Institute in January 1986, under a contract with the U.S. Army Research Office. The objective of the Institute is to perform basic research in broad areas of applied mathematics, with potential applications to science and engineering. Professor Geoffrey S. S. Ludford is the Director of the Institute. Statistics and applied probability is one of the four designated areas of research in the Institute, the other three being applied analysis, physical mathematics and numerical analysis. Professor N. U. Prabhu is the Program Coordinator for statistics and applied probability. The research program in this area emphasizes computational statistics, data analysis, reliability, quality control and stochastic processes. The Institute's program will provide for the following: Visitors. Each year the Institute will partially support a very substantial number of senior scientists for periods ranging from a few weeks to a few months. The Institute will award ten (10) post-doctoral fellowships every year over the four areas designated above. These awards will be made normally for a year, but are renewable for a second year. Graduate Fellowships. Twenty (20) graduate fellowships will be awarded each year on the basis of open competition. To be eligible, a graduate student must be writing a thesis in one of the designated areas. Workshops. The Institute will conduct at least two workshops in each area every year. Workshops will focus on a current area of research and participation will be limited. Consulting. The Institute will provide technical assistance to the Army. Most of this assistance will be coordinated by the Statistical Consulting Service of the Cornell Statistics Center, and through a Supercomputing Liaison Unit that will work with the Cornell Theory Center. Visiting scientists and postdoctoral fellows may occasionally be called upon for help in answering specific technical questions. During the first year the following members of the Cornell faculty in the area of statistics and probability will be affiliated with the Institute: Professors Robert E. Bechhofer, David C. Heath, Thomas J. Santner, Howard M. Taylor and Paul F. Velleman. Professor Walter L. Federer will be the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service. For further information please write to Professor N. U. Prabhu, Program Coordinator for Statistics and Applied Probability, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Caldwell Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; phone (607)256-4856.