This paper is presented in three main parts. First, it reports the results of an effortto combine two representations (layouts and solid models) within a single genera-tive framework. Second, it describes fire stations as a building type and reports aphased grammar that embodies information about the type and generates fire sta-tion designs likely to be members of the type. Third, it describes a useful way ofcontrolling grammatical generation via interactive decisions on rule application,hierarchical decomposition of designs, and ordering of the conflict set of rule in-stantiations.Keywords', fire station, layout, generative system, search, solid modeling, spatialgrammar.1 IntroductionSeveral generative formalisms exist, for instance, shapes (Stiny, 1980), layouts(Flemming, 1989), structures (Carlson, 1991) and boundary solid grammars (Heisserman,1991). Taken singly, these serve as excellent representations for aspects of an overall de-sign process; but each has its limitations, either theoretical (the representation is limited)or practical (the present state of knowledge does not include useful implementations of theformalism). For different stages of design, different representations are appropriate. Com-bining two or more representations in a single generative process might lead to generationthat is more simple, has greater clarity and is more efficient than would be possible usingonly a single representation. Layouts and solids arc two such representations, and theircombination in architecture is appealing. Layouts represent plans; solids support massingand articulation.
U Flemming,et al.
More on the Representation and Generation of Loosely Packed Arrangements of Rectangles
George Vanecek.
Protosolid: An inside look
Rebecca Zurier,et al.
The American Firehouse: An Architectural and Social History
Robert Woodbury,et al.
An Introduction to Structure and Structure Grammars
J. Heisserman.
Generative geometric design and boundary solid grammars
M. Karasick.
On the representation and manipulation of rigid solids
G. Stiny.
Introduction to Shape and Shape Grammars
Mark S. Fox,et al.
Hierarchical Generate-and-Test vs Constraint-Directed Search