Computer models of the auditory periphery provide a tool for -formulating theories concerning the relationship between the physiology of the auditory system and the perception of sounds both in normal and impaired hearing. However, the time-consuming nature of their construction constitutes a major impediment to their use, and it is important that transparent models be available on an 'off-the-shelf' basis to researchers. The MATLAB Auditory Periphery (MAP) model aims to meet these requirements and be freely available. The model can be used to simulate simple psychophysical tasks such as absolute threshold, pitch matching and forward masking and those used to measure compression and frequency selectivity. It can be used as a front end to automatic speech recognisers for the study of speech in quiet and in noise. The model can also simulate theories of hearing impairment and be used to make predictions about the efficacy of hearing aids. The use of the software will be described along with illustrations of its application in the study of the psychology of hearing.