Analyzing the Evolution of End User Information Technology Performance

This study examines how the budget office of a large county government designed and implemented end user information technology (IT) from personal computers (PCs) and local area networks (LANs) to an intranet and Web pages over a 15-year period. The initial issue was internal to the organizationmoving a time-consuming budget preparation process to a smoother one, where what if analysis could be completed. However, more recent end user IT challenges are less internal and shaped more by the demands and expectations of parties outside of the budget office. While the evolution of IT in this budget office was distinctive, we utilize a framework to flesh out both the unique and generalizable lessons of such IT development. A stages model from the IT literature holds promise for explaining the internal successes as well as problems that arose during implementation and transition. The stages model suggests that the proliferation of IT can be directed toward productive use by recognizing IT crises and adding management control to handle the crises. However, the stages model does not readily account for significant changes in external social facets of the techno-social environment. These changing external social facets include global competition and reinventing government. The study suggests that the stages model would benefit from incorporating social-change shocks to better understand the transitions, the nature of the stages and IT performance within each stage.