ISSAMS: An In Situ Sediment Acoustic Measurement System

AnIn SituSediment Acoustic Measurement System (ISSAMS) has been designed and tested for measurement of near surface sediment geoacoustic properties in water depths up to 200 ni. Shear wave velocity is measured over pathlengths of 33 and 71 cm at a sediment depth of 30 cm. Compressional wave velocity and attenuation is measured over 58 and 100 cm pathlengths at sediment depths of 10, 20 and 30 cm. Preliminary tests that have lead to the current design are described to justify the current measurement configuration. System characteristics are presented and a strategy for further development and improvement of the ISSAMS system is outlined. Representative data collected from the Adriatic Sea are presented and compared to laboratory and seismic measurements. These results demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of ISSAMS.