Spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma in identical twins.

SUMMARY Spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma is described in identical twin boys. In the one bilaterally affected child 2 tumours regressed spontaneously, while a third lesion, which developed at a later stage, required treatment in the form of a cobalt plaque. The second child showed spontaneous regression of the single tumour in his only affected eye. The pathogenesis of spontaneous regression is-discussed and a possible common aetiology in these 2 cases postulated. Spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma is a tenn used by eye pathologists when calcified nests of tumour cells are found in an enucleated, often phthisical, eye, and by clinical ophthalmologists when fundal examination of a patient with retinoblastoma or relative has revealed, usually, an elevated calcified white mass, surrounded by areas of chorioretinal atrophy (no treatment ever having been given). inert eye, in both eyes in of