Optimal dispatching method for smoothing power fluctuations of the wind-photovoltaic-battery hybrid generation system

The combination operation of wind-photovoltaic-battery hybrid power system brings a new challenge to the traditional generation dispatching. Based on the operating status of energy storage, the forecast of wind power and photovoltaic power output, this paper focuses on the optimization of the day-ahead generation scheduling of the wind-photovoltaic-battery hybrid power system. An active power dispatching model is built to maximize the profit of hybrid power system where kinds of operating constraints are considered. To realize the smoothness of generated power, the punishment of multi-point coupling fluctuations of generating curve is added to the optimization objective. The model proposed is solved by a linear programming optimization algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the output characteristic of hybrid power system is similar to the conventional power system. Thus, it greatly improved the integration capacity of intermittent energy.