Circadian Changes in Blood Pressure in Mild Hypertension and The Effect of Abana

Circadian blood pressure recordings were taken in 18 male cases to diagnose borderline hypertension. In the present series, the maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressures were recorded in the evening and the minimum ones, early morning. After determination of borderline hypertension Abana was given at a dose of two tablets t.i.d. for 6 weeks. After careful monitoring significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures were recorded at the end of 6 weeks of Abana therapy. On the basis of our observations it can be concluded that Abana may be advocated as a single drug therapy for the management of borderline hypertension. Hence, continuous oral administration of Abana may prevent or delay the future occurrence of persistent hypertension in likely victims. arterial blood pressure throughout the day and night. According to them blood pressure is lower during the night and higher during the day. Circadian hypertension is a good predictor for future development of hypertension. A careful monitoring of circadian blood pressure and its adequate management may be helpful in the prevention of coronary heart disease. The causal elevation of blood pressure and heart rate are poor predictors of hypertension. In case of borderline hypertension the multiple readings may provide definite guidelines for clinical diagnosis and therapy. A relatively small elevation in systolic and diastolic blood pressure may be associated with significant mortality and morbidity. The Framingham study has shown that systolic elevation is as equally risky as diastolic elevation. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to isolate borderline hypertension cases by recording the circadian blood pressure. The role of Abana in the prevention of future development of persistent hypertension has been studied. MATERIAL AND METHODS Eighteen male adults with evidence of sympathetic hyperstimulation were selected for circadian monitoring of blood pressure. These cases showed elevated mild blood pressure recordings occasionally. All the cases were ambulatory and were advised repeated blood pressure recordings at intervals of 8 hours. The average systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were calculated and included for clinical trial with Abana. Abana was given at a dose of 2 tabs. t.i.d. for six weeks and the circadian blood pressures were recorded at the end of 2 weeks. The initial and final recordings were compared after six weeks of therapy. Out of 18 cases, 7 cases were given a placebo in order to compare the results.