Business Communication: Present, Past, and Future

Business communication has a long history, stretching back to the origins of rhetoric as a scholarly endeavor and, even further, back to the origins of business practice. Today, business communication exists in the United States as a university-level academic field that emphasizes writing instruction for undergraduate business students. For the future, business communication should continue to emphasize and to improve education in written composition while it strives to produce a larger quantity of excellent research.

[1]  C. Daniel Remembering Our Charter: Business Communication at the Crossroads , 1983 .

[2]  J. Graham,et al.  A Holistic Analysis of Japanese and American Business Negotiations , 1987 .

[3]  E. Wartella Challenge to the profession , 1994 .

[4]  W. Orlikowski,et al.  Genres of Organizational Communication: A Structurational Approach to Studying Communication and Media , 1992 .

[5]  M. B. Debs,et al.  Language and Corporate Values: Teaching Ethics in Business Writing Courses , 1987 .

[6]  Raymond L. Falcione,et al.  Credibility: Qualifier of Subordinate Participation , 1974 .

[7]  Alan P. Wunsch,et al.  The Status of Business Communication Instruction in Postsecondary Institutions in the United States , 1983 .

[8]  Joel P. Bowman,et al.  Modeling the Communication Process: The Map is Not the Territory , 1987 .

[9]  E. L. Miller,et al.  An Executive Appraisal of Courses Which Best Prepare One for General Management , 1982 .

[10]  J. Penrose Telecommunications, Teleconferencing, and Business Communications , 1984 .

[11]  N. L. Reinsch,et al.  Attitudinal Responses to Voice Mail , 1987 .

[12]  Michael D. Hazen,et al.  A Factor Analytic Study of Communication Satisfaction , 1977 .

[13]  Annette N. Shelby,et al.  The Theoretical Bases of Persuasion: A Critical Introduction , 1986 .

[14]  C. G. Walters,et al.  The Effect On Return Rate of Messages Explaining Monetary Incentives in Mail Questionnaire Studies , 1976 .

[15]  John Hagge,et al.  The Spurious Paternity of Business Communication Principles , 1989 .

[16]  J. Beard A Professional Profile of Business Communication Educators and Their Research Preferences: Survey Results , 1993 .

[17]  Annette N. Shelby,et al.  Organizational, Business, Management, and Corporate Communication: An Analysis of Boundaries and Relationships , 1993 .

[18]  Larry R. Smeltzer,et al.  Emerging Questions and Research Paradigms in Business Communication Research , 1993 .

[19]  Annette N. Shelby A Macro Theory of Management Communication , 1988 .

[20]  Phillip V. Lewis,et al.  Author and Citation Patterns for The Journal of Business Communication, 1978-1992 , 1993 .

[21]  Joel P. Bowman,et al.  Desktop Publishing: Things Gutenberg Never Taught You , 1989 .

[22]  Priscilla S. Rogers Choice-Based Writing in Managerial Contexts , 1989 .

[23]  Annette N. Shelby,et al.  Applying the Strategic Choice Model to Motivational Appeals: A Theoretical Approach , 1991 .

[24]  N. Fimbel Communicating Realistically: Taking Account of Politics in Internal Business Communications , 1994 .

[25]  Jon M. Huegli,et al.  An Investigation of Communication Skills Application and Effectiveness At the Entry Job Level , 1974 .

[26]  Kathryn Rentz,et al.  Editorial: Negotiating the Field of Business Communication , 1993 .

[27]  John Durham Peters,et al.  Genealogical Notes on "The Field.". , 1993 .

[28]  Andrew S. Targowski,et al.  The Layer-Based, Pragmatic Model of the Communication Process , 1988 .

[29]  Barbara Couture,et al.  Categorizing Professional Discourse , 1992 .

[30]  Scot Ober The Status of Postsecondary Business Communication Instruction—1986 vs. 1982 , 1987 .

[31]  W. Orlikowski,et al.  Genre Repertoire: The Structuring of Communicative Practices in Organizations , 1994 .

[32]  Carter A. Daniel Sherwin Cody: Business Communication Pioneer , 1982 .

[33]  D. Stine,et al.  Priorities for the Business Communication Classroom: a Survey of Business and Academe , 1979 .

[34]  Jack Selzer,et al.  Readability Is a Four-Letter Word , 1981 .

[35]  H. Hildebrandt,et al.  Business Communication in the People's Republic of China , 1983 .

[36]  Resisting Disciplines: Repositioning Media Studies in the University , 1995 .

[37]  Mary T. Carbone The History and Development of Business Communication Principles: 1776-1916 , 1994 .

[38]  Kitty O. Locker The Challenge of Interdisciplinary Research , 1994 .

[39]  J. Reinsch,et al.  Some Assessments of Business Communication Scholarship from Social Science Citations , 1996 .

[40]  Dan Swenson Relative Importance of Business Communication Ski Lls for the Next Ten Years , 1980 .

[41]  J. C. Bennett The Communication Needs of Business Executives , 1971 .