Gyógyszernyomok eltávolítása tisztított szennyvizekből nagyhatékonyságú oxidációs eljárásokkal = Removal of trace pharmacuticals form clarified wastewaters by Advanced Oxidation Processes

A projekt megvalositasa soran olyan nagyhatekonysagu oxidacios eljarasokon (AOP) alapulo vizkezelesi eljarasokat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek alkalmasak biologiailag kezelt szennyvizekben nagyon kicsiny koncentracioban visszamarado gyogyszernyomok es bomlastermekeik koltseghatekony es eredmenyes eltavolitasara. A munkahoz kellő megbizhatosagu es kimutatasi kepessegű analitikai modszereket fejlesztettunk ki es adaptaltunk. Modellvegyuletkent ibuprofent, ketoprofent, diklofenakot, naproxent valasztottunk, de vizsgaltunk antibiotikumot (perfloxacint) is. Az ozon es UV sugarzas kombinaciojan alapulo modszer jol hasznalhato es kellően koltseg-hatekony az egyszerűen es gazdasagosan uzemeltethető olyan kisnyomasu higanygőz-lampara alapozva, amelynek az ozont termelő 185 nm-es komponenset is hasznositani tudjuk. Megvizsgaltuk tovabba a vakuum-ultraibolya (VUV) fotolizis es a heterogen fotokatalizis alkalmazhatosagat is. A munkabol 12 rangos nemzetkozi folyoiratban megjelent dolgozat szuletett (osszesitett impakt faktor 42,9), 37 előadas hangzott el nemzetkozi es hazai konferenciakon, Szabo Rita elkeszitette doktori (PhD) dolgozatat, valamint tobb diplomadolgozat es diakkori dolgozat is keszult a temateruleten. | In this project a new wastewater treatment method was developed, based on a novel concept to eliminate toxic organic contaminants of pharmaceutical origin in wastewater effluents and which operates on the principle of combined innovative application of a range of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). For the reaction kinetic measurements analytical methods with good accuracy, correctness and an unusually low detection limit were developed and adapted, which enables to analyze the components with ppb concentrations. The chosen pharmaceutical compounds were; ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclophenac, naproxen and one of the antibiotics, the perfloxacin. The combination of ozone and UV-radiation treatment method proved to be the most promising both in terms of cost efficiency and effectiveness. A specific low pressure mercury vapour lamp equipped with a VUV transparent quartz sleeve (transparent to the ozone producing 185 nm component of the light source) was applied. VUV photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis also were used in order to compare the applicability of various methods based on the generation of reactive free-radicals. During the elaboration of this project, 12 papers were published (their summarized impact factor is 42.9), 37 conference presentation were held on international and national conferences. Rita Szabo prepared her PhD thesis in this topic and numerous diploma theses were prepared by students worked in this project.