Video compression via constructs

Current video compression standards compress video sequences at NTSC quality with factors in the range of 10-100, like in MPEG-1 and MPEC-2. To operate beyond this range, that is, MPEG-4, radically new techniques are needed. We discuss one such technique called generative video (GV). Video compression is realized in GV in two steps. First, the video sequence is reduced to constructs. Constructs are world images, corresponding to augmented images containing the non-redundant information on the sequence, and window, figure, motion, and signal processing operators, representing video sequence properties. Second, the world images are spatially compressed. The video sequence is reconstructed by applying the various operators to the decompressed world images. We apply GV to a 10 sec video sequence of a real 3-D scene and obtain compression ratios of about 2260 and 4520 for two experiments done with different quantization codebooks. The reconstructed video sequence exhibits very good perceptual quality.