Adolescents into Adults
Since I am going to criticise Mr Wilson in some respects, I must start by saying that I am, in all essentials, on the same side as he is. I believe in a distinction between education and indoctrination; and I believe that indoctrination is a bad thing. But I also believe that he stated his case somewhat too extremely; and I think that by so doing he exposed himself to some possible attacks from the propagandists of indoctrination. It is of the highest importance to safeguard Mr Wilson’s liberal views against such attacks; for otherwise advocates of the closed mind and the closed society may find it easier to enlist the support of moderates against Mr Wilson; and that would be a pity. I want you to realise, therefore, that my criticisms of Mr Wilson will bulk large in this lecture only because, to avoid repetition, I have left out all those many points on which I should agree with him.