Keynote lecture I: distributed estimation using wireless sensor networks
Envisioned applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) include surveillance, monitoring and tracking tasks. These motivate well decentralized estimation and smoothing of deterministic and (non)stationary random signals using (possibly correlated) observations collected across distributed sensors. In this talk we present state-of-the-art algorithms for consensus-based distributed estimation using ad hoc WSNs where sensors communicate over single-hop noisy links. The novel framework reformulates basic estimation criteria such as least-squares, maximum-likelihood, maximum a posteriori, and linear mean-square error, as decomposable, constrained, convex optimization problems that are amenable to distributed solutions. The resultant distributed estimators are provably convergent to their centralized counterparts and robust to communication noise. Besides stationary, the framework encompasses adaptive filtering and smoothing of non-stationary signals through distributed LMS and Kalman filtering.