An Information and Communication Technology System to Detect Hypoglycemia in People with Type 1 Diabetes

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a new technology with the potential to detect hypoglycemia in people with Type 1 diabetes. However, the inaccuracy of the device in the hypoglycemic range is unfortunately too large. The aim of this study was to develop an information and communication technology system for improving hypoglycemia detection in CGM. The system was developed as an Android application with a build-in pattern classification algorithm. The algorithm processes features from CGM and typed in data from the patient, then warns the patient about incoming hypoglycemia. The system improved the detection of hypoglycemic events by 29%, with only one 1 false alert compared to CGM alone. Furthermore, the algorithm increased the average lead-time by 14 minutes. These findings indicate that it is possible to improve the hypoglycemia detection with an information and communication technology system, but that the system must be validated on a larger dataset.