Ultrasonic multifeature tissue characterization for the early detection of prostate cancer

The incidence of the prostate carcinoma is one of the highest cancer risks in men in the western world. Its position in cancer mortality statistics is also among the highest. The prostate carcinoma is only curable at an early stage. Therefore, early detection is extremely important. At an early stage the prostate carcinoma is limited to the prostate capsule and can hence be cured performing radical prostatectomy. The different types of diagnostics that are used today (digital rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound and PSA value analysis) lack reliability and are therefore not sufficient. Even a combination of these three methods is not sufficiently reliable. Diagnosis of the prostate carcinoma using multi-feature tissue characterization in combination with ultrasound allows the detection of tumors at an early stage. Also biopsy guidance and planning can be improved. This results in reduced costs for cancer treatment.