Perfil sanitário dos apicultores Piauienses quanto às boas práticas apícolas

We have analyzed the health profile of beekeepers as for the appropriate use of Good Apicultural Practices (GAP) in Piaui. We have used the method of collecting primary data by applying questionnaire on the information obtained from January 2009 to March 2010, for 60 beekeepers of 15 associations in the Piauiense Semi-Arid. Data collection was performed with three groups of 20 beekeepers according to the GAP level usage. The groups were: beekeepers who use the GAP in a higher level, possessing Bee Product Extraction Unit (BPEU) within the standards required by law (Group 1); beekeepers who do not properly use the GAP, possessing BPEU out of the standards required by legislation (Group 2) and beekeepers who do not properly use the GAP, not possessing BPEU (Group 3). The questionnaire, with opened and closed questions, was divided into five sections: A-, Materials Used B-Location and installation of apiaries; C-Management of beehives, D-Collection and transportation of the comb with honey; F-Bee Product Extraction Unit. The use of GAP is an effective tool for differentiating beekeepers and to reduce the possible risks to the quality of Apis mellifera L. honey, from field to BPEU. The level of use of GAP is directly related tothe existence of productive infrastructure, particularly the existence of Bee Product Extraction Unit.