Gamow-Teller strength in the 208Pb(p,n)208Bi reaction at 134.3 MeV.

The excitation-energy distribution of transition strength to 1{sup +} states was measured for the {sup 208}Pb({ital p},{ital n}){sup 208}Bi reaction at 134.3 MeV for excitation energies up to 38 MeV. Structures observed in neutron time-of-flight spectra with forward-peaked ({Delta}{ital L}=0) angular distributions were identified as 1{sup +} states, except for the transition to the 0{sup +} isobaric analog state. The 1{sup +} strength in these structures was extracted by normalizing the yield above a fitted polynomial background to the Fermi transition strength localized in the isobaric analog state. The Gamow-Teller strength observed in the 1{sup +} peaks is 56% of the 3({ital N}{minus}{ital Z}) sum rule when the strength of the {beta}{sup +} transitions is assumed to be zero; 45% of 3({ital N}{minus}{ital Z}) is observed in the giant resonance and 10% is observed in structures below the giant resonance. Based on a multipole decomposition analysis, an upper limit on the 1{sup +} strength in the apparent continuum to 38 MeV of excitation energy is estimated to be 37% of 3({ital N}{minus}{ital Z}). These results are compared with predictions from a shell model that includes a pairing force and a long-range Gamow-Teller force in both the parent and daughter nuclei.