Research of plasma production processes and electrotechnical parameters of Z-pinch discharge at current driven implosion of cylindrical wire arrays on the installation Angara-5-1

The implosion of liners is widely investigated now. It is very important to measure an impedance of Z-pinch. It could be calculated on the base of measured voltage and current. In the given paper on the basis of the analysis of electrotechnical parameters (current, voltage, inductance) is carried out research of process of current compression of the wire arrays and are determined a time dependence of mean radius of a current and moment of a beginning of compression. The comparison of the moments of a beginning of compression of the liner measured on its visible size and by electrotechnical measurements testifies to their good correspondence one another. The compression ratio of mean radius of a current has appeared less, than registered by other methods. The reason is, that the part of current flows on peripherals of initial wire array to the moment of maximum compression. The impedance of nested liner is presented.